THE ideal PH of your blood is 7.46.
People who have a predominance of the Sympathetic Nervous System tend to have it with a PH closer to 7.55 -7.60.
When drinking coffee this PH tends to regulate, approaching 7.46. That's why many people feel so good when drinking coffee, because it helps balance their PH.
On the contrary, people who have a predominance of the Parasympathetic Nervous System tend to have a PH closer to 7.31, so drinking coffee deregulates the PH of the blood even more.
If you want to find out more about how what you eat affects you, we recommend Dr Watson's book "Nutrition and Your Mind".
He performed many blood measurements on psychiatric patients, concluding that an imbalance in nutrition was behind many mental problems.
Is that why so many people go crazy for coffee? 😜