5 consejos para mejorar los síntomas de la alergia primaveral

5 tips to improve spring allergy symptoms

by Baia Food on Apr 03, 2017

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Watery eyes, itchy nose and throat, sneezing... Spring allergy symptoms can be quite annoying. However, certain foods can alleviate them or prevent them from appearing, without the side effects of certain medications. This natural approach is most effective if started a few weeks before the pollen “invasion” begins.

And what is advisable that we take?


All those that contain good bacteria for your intestinal flora, since they directly impact the state of your immune system. Organic yogurt and kefir, Kombucha tea, kimchi (fermented cabbage), miso or pure unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar are some examples.

The most effective strain for allergies is Lactobacillus so look for it when purchasing probiotics. MATCHA TEA and AÇAÍ are very good PREBIOTICS, that is, they feed the probiotics or good bacteria in your intestine, so they are also very important in this process.


Spices help cleanse the nasal passages, making the mucosa more liquid. Since spring allergies are usually a temporary inflammation of the mucous membrane, include turmeric and ginger in your dishes and infusions to benefit from their powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Omega 3

Chia and flax seeds, walnuts, tuna, wild salmon, sardines, etc. They are excellent sources of this ultra anti-inflammatory fatty acid. Since the body cannot produce it on its own, it is essential that we provide it through our diet. Remember not to fry the fish so as not to alter the anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 with excessive heat.


The flavonoid quercetin contained in this fruit prevents our body from releasing histamines, which are responsible for all those allergy symptoms. Make sure you eat the apple with the skin as most of the quercetin is found there. Therefore, always try to buy ecological ones.


Something as simple as drinking water and drinking natural fruit juices and infusions helps decongest and hydrate the mucous membranes. Keep in mind that dehydration causes the nose to produce more mucus, so drink plenty of water.

I hope these tips help you!!

Alicia Lamothe

Health Coach