4 smoothies para fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico

4 smoothies to strengthen your immune system

by Baia Food on Apr 05, 2017

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Fruit and vegetables are the best sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients for an optimal immune system. Some people have difficulty eating the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables daily and therefore, their defenses are compromised. However, thanks to juices and smoothies, daily intake of the micronutrients necessary to keep allergies at bay is easier.

Vitamin C Smoothie

Blend all these ingredients in the blender for two minutes until very liquid:

  • a cup of strawberries
  • a kiwi
  • Half a glass of water or coconut water
  • A tablespoon of ORGANIC AÇAI

Strawberry, kiwi and Organic Açai Smoothie Baïa Food CO.

    Vitamin A Smoothie

    Juice the oranges, blend the carrots, apple and ginger and add the goji berries as a topping.

    • Three or four carrots
    • An Apple
    • A piece of ginger
    • The juice of two oranges
    • A spoonful of goji berries

    Carrot Apple Ginger and Goji Smoothie Baïa Food Co

    Probiotic Smoothie

    Blend all the ingredients in the blender. If it is too thick, you can take it with a spoon and add a few extra chia seeds.

    • 1/2 mango
    • 1 organic natural yogurt
    • 1 glass of coconut milk
    • 1 tablespoon chia seeds

    Mango chia smoothie Baïa Food Co.

    Stop allergy infusion

    Squeeze a lemon and add warm water. Then, cut a piece of ginger and put it inside. Add a teaspoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of pure honey. Take it on an empty stomach.

    • A squeezed lemon
    • A piece of ginger
    • A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
    • a pinch of honey
    • Half a glass of water.

    Anti allergy infusion

    Try these recipes in your morning smoothies, practice daily exercise and you will see the results ;)

    Alicia Lamothe

    Health Coach