Nowadays, we know that more and more people tend to recycle at home and follow good habits to care for the planet, but is recycling enough? Here's a spoiler: No. It is not just enough to recycle, but we must make conscious and responsible use of the garbage we generate. Did you know that around 1.2 kg of garbage per person is produced per day? If you want to start changing we tell you how!
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What is the Zero Waste Movement?
This name may not sound familiar to you, so let's start at the beginning:
Zero Waste is defined by the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) as a movement that attempts to achieve “ the conservation of all resources through the responsible production, consumption, reuse and recovery of all products, packaging and materials, without burn them and without pouring them into the ground, water or air so that they do not threaten the environment or human health.”
In short, it consists of making responsible use of the resources we use in our daily lives so that they cause the least possible impact on the environment.
Clearer now, right?
What exactly does it consist of?
This movement is based on what is known as the 5 Rs of sustainability , shall we review them?
1.Refuse: We must avoid those materials that are for single use.
2. Reduce (Reduce): Minimize what is not needed, this way we will be able to reduce our impact on the environment, making responsible use.
3. Reuse: Trying to avoid the terms ''use and throw away'' as much as possible. Before throwing that object directly into the trash, we will give it a second life.
4. Recycle: It is likely that we will find single-use objects, so in this case, it is best to recycle them. In this way we will also comply with the second R of sustainability, minimizing the environmental impact.
5. Compost or Decompose (Rot): It is the recycling of organic products, there are places that allow their biodegradation, ultimately serving as fertilizer for Mother Earth.
We must place special emphasis on reducing plastics over other materials due to their strong impact and the difficulty of this material to decompose.
Did you know that a plastic bag can take more than 150 years to decompose?
As incredible as it may seem, it is not an exaggeration but a real fact.
Benefits of Zero Waste
Surely knowing that you are helping the environment with this practice is reason enough for you to consider entering this movement, but did you know that there are many more benefits associated with this practice? We will tell you about some!
1.Prevent food waste: prioritizing using the foods we already have at home rather than buying new ones. A good option to apply it are the use recipes.
2. Consume responsibly and sustainably: through sustainable consumption we will only use what we need, we will avoid unnecessary packaging and we will consider whether something is essential before buying it. Therefore, achieving a more conscious use of things.
3. Improve our diet: this movement promotes the consumption of foods in bulk or with the minimum possible packaging, which is why it distances us quite a bit (without looking for it) from ultra-processed products.
4. Get used to needing less: the reality is that this movement is about buying only what is necessary. This will help us realize that there are many things that we buy out of inertia. This way we will learn to choose between what is essential and what is not. As we get used to this way of living, we will tend to need fewer things each time.
5. Save money: Everything is linked in zero waste, and although it may seem that sustainable habits tend to be more expensive, nothing could be further from the truth. When we reduce material needs we make fewer purchases so we save on those products that we do not need. On the other hand, we make much more use of what we already have, something that our pocketbook will notice. In addition, it promotes second-hand purchases characterized by good quality products at more affordable prices.
Doesn't that sound appetizing? With this practice, we take care of the environment, our health and our pocketbook at the same time.
How can we get started in this movement?
Now that we know more about zero waste and the benefits it can bring to a person, the most important thing is missing... Where do we start to implement it? Here are some tips to incorporate it into your routine:
- Change bottled water for tap water , if you prefer filtered water there are activated carbon filters to install at home.
- Change bottled gel and shampoo for tablets or bulk soap.
- Use your own bottle whenever you can to drink water or infusions outside the home.
- To wash the dishes , use natural soap and a scouring pad made from recycled materials.
- Use second-hand clothes: you can propose exchanging clothes with family or friends who wear the same size.
- Don't throw away leftover food! . Share it with friends and neighbors who like how you cook
- Freeze food to extend its shelf life , this way you will gain time to consume it.
- Try to digitize documents such as tickets or invoices to avoid wasting paper.
We already have all the information to know how to start acting sustainably with the environment, making responsible use of resources and it will also help your pocket so...
What are you waiting for to start applying it?