

by Baïa Food on Apr 23, 2021

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Many think that we need to consume sugar or carbohydrates to feed the brain, but that is not the case! Your body is able to produce the glucose it needs even if you don't eat carbohydrates.

We are not saying that carbohydrates are bad, nor are we demonizing them. But after many years demonizing fats 🥑🥥 we consume them in excess (especially people who don't do much sport) and often in refined form.⁣

Keep reading if you want to know more!

Glucose = energy?

Glucose is one of the sources of energy for our body, it is ''gasoline'' that provides energy for our daily life and certain organs demand a constant amount of glucose to function well.

Carbohydrates end up easily transformed into glucose, which passes into the blood and we now have this source of energy for our body.

But like everything, too much is not good.

High levels of blood glucose can be very harmful.

Currently, glucose levels that are considered normal are altered. They are quite high values, this is because the data collected in the middle of the 20th century. XX to establish what the normal blood sugar levels were were obtained from a sample of people in today's society whose diet was already greatly influenced by the modern lifestyle.

In this industrial society in which excess carbohydrates are consumed, blood glucose is much higher than that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.

What happens if we don't consume carbohydrates?

You have to make your body metabolically flexible and get used to getting energy from both carbohydrates and fat reserves.

If you don't eat carbohydrates, your body produces glucose in the liver without problems if you are a healthy person. Be careful, we are not saying that carbohydrates are bad or that you should stop consuming them, we are just clarifying that your body is capable of maintaining the level of glucose you need in your blood, even if you do not consume carbohydrates.

For years we have been sold a nutritional pyramid in which BSA is full of carbohydrates, telling us that they should be our main source of food.

And it is not true. If you are a person who does not practice sports and do not move much, you will probably do much better by eating very few carbohydrates.

When we eat, the liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen for when we need it.

The liver can convert glycogen to glucose through a process called glycogenolysis. And it can also make glucose if we haven't eaten carbohydrates by collecting amino acids through a process called gluconeogenesis.

The liver can also make ketones , another fuel for the body, when we are low on glucose. Our body is responsible for storing the sugar it has for those organs that need it and the liver manufactures ketones to supplement the limited sugar reserves.

Ketones are used for energy by muscles and other body organs.

The liver is responsible for manufacturing this alternative fuel that comes from fats through a process called ketogenesis. This process begins when hormones indicate that there is a low level of insulin in the body and is essential to maintain minimum glucose levels during fasting periods.

Carbohydrates should not be demonized

We should not demonize carbohydrates, just as we should not demonize fats. But we should not think that if we do not take them our body will collapse because sugar will not reach our brain.

Many companies that sell cereals or products with sugar have been trying to make us believe this for a long time, but that's not the case.

We reaffirm that carbohydrates should not be the base of the nutritional pyramid (as a general rule and in people who are not very athletic), in addition to the fact that they are consumed in excess and refined carbohydrates should not be consumed except in people with a high caloric intake. as athletes.

We must focus on consuming sugars present in the food matrix (such as in fruits and vegetables).


It is a fact that excessive consumption of carbohydrates has to do with the increase in diabetes. But we have not talked about total elimination, but about avoiding excessive consumption (specifically refined ones).

We know that it cannot be explained in detail in an Instagram post and that is why we wanted to go deeper, we are not perfect but we try to do our part.

For any questions we respond to the comments and you can talk to us through our social networks.

