Resuelve tus dudas sobre el colágeno

Resolve your doubts about collagen

by Baia Food on Sep 29, 2022

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Collagen is a word that has been in fashion for more than a decade. We hear it constantly seeming almost like a magical product. But do you really know what it is? Is it effective to take it? Which is the best way?

Keep reading to resolve all these doubts.


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is the main component of connective tissue that supports and protects our organs.

We can find collagen throughout our body from the skin, hair, nails, blood vessels, intestines and our musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons).

And yes, it is also responsible for keeping your skin smooth and your hair more resistant.


It is inevitable that collagen decreases with age and it is estimated that at the age of 40 we have half as much collagen as we did in adolescence.

This reduction affects our body in different ways.

In the skin, collagen is found in the dermis , its middle layer. This is a layer of connective tissue composed mostly of collagen that provides structure and mechanical support as well as elasticity and firmness. Therefore, with the reduction of collagen, the skin loses its firmness and becomes dehydrated, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

And none of us want that. So the million dollar question is. How can we maintain the greatest amount of collagen? In the skin and other organs...


Quick answer: yes

In addition to losing collagen with age, we make it difficult for our body by consuming a small amount. Yes, it is true, even if we consume collagen, our body has to degrade it to be able to absorb it and then our cells have to produce it again.

But if you don't have “the bricks” to be able to form collagen, it is impossible for you to produce it.

Breaking down food in order to form structures with nutrients is precisely the way in which tissues are built.

It is not enough to take other sources of protein (steak, breast...) to form collagen.

The explanation is that amino acids, the small blocks that come together to create proteins, in the case of collagen are mostly: glycine, proline... These amino acids are abundant in foods that we do not usually consume (organs, bones or skin ).

Our ancestors used to integrate these foods into their diet. Thanks to this practice they had an adequate supply of collagen that allowed them to have good health.

Nowadays we consume practically only the muscles of animals, which results in a very low collagen supply.


The best way to reach an optimal dose of collagen is to take it hydrolyzed.

In the hydrolysis process, collagen is cut into smaller pieces, leaving peptides (union of several amino acids) that are much easier to absorb.

This way you are able to assimilate a greater amount than if you took it without hydrolyzing it.


As far as hydrolyzed collagen is concerned, studies show that the ideal consumption to notice an improvement is 10 grams per day.

If you take more, that's also fine, because as we have traditionally told you as a species, we consumed a lot of collagen and given that today we know that taking enough protein is essential to stay in shape and that collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, well, it has It makes sense to consume a lot.

You can take two doses of 10g of hydrolyzed collagen to maximize absorption and not neglect the foods in which it is naturally present (you can take gelatin, do not discard the skin when you eat meat or fish, add bones when cooking legumes...)


No, having the bricks to build your own collagen is not enough

Collagen cannot be produced without enough Vitamin C. And really, don't think the recommended daily amount is enough. . That's fine to avoid getting scurvy, but that's the end of the joke...

If you do not want the lack of Vit C to be a limiting factor in forming collagen, you must take a sufficient amount per day.

Do you want good news?


The best hydrolyzed collagen enriched with Vit C.

Here are some results that the hydrolyzed collagen that we use in our Beauty Creamer has shown:

We have also added TCM, fatty acids present in coconut that cannot accumulate as fat, which give you immediate energy and give more creaminess to your coffee, tea, shake or smoothie.

In one tablespoon you will take the effective dose of 10g of hydrolyzed collagen and the RDA of Vit C.

Our Beauty Creamer goes on sale on October 3rd but you can still sign up for the Pre-Sale here (if you haven't already) to get it before anyone else.

Below, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Is marine collagen better than bovine collagen?

No and we explain why.

Collagen can only be obtained from animal sources, generally from the bones and cartilage of cattle and pigs.

In the case of marine collagen, it comes from fish fins and bones, often through unsustainable practices.

Marine collagen is no more functional than bovine collagen since it is the structure that determines the function. Collagen is the same no matter where it comes from, and there is nothing "magical" about marine collagen and it is not even better for the environment.

Why is it necessary to consume glycine if it is not an essential amino acid?

Glycine is present in collagen, like other amino acids.

Indeed, it is not essential (essential in nutrition means you are not able to produce it yourself and you have to ingest it through your diet).

However, this does not mean that it should not be consumed. In fact, glycine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. We are not able to produce the amount necessary for optimal health.

This makes sense knowing that throughout history we consumed a large amount of this amino acid.

Our body therefore did not have to be prepared to produce a large quantity.

If you have any more questions, leave us a comment!