Microbiotic Creamer: Side Effects You Should Know About
by Baia Food on Jan 15, 2025
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We live in a world that negatively affects our microbiota: stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, pollution, alcohol...
That's why interest in products that promote good gut health, such as Microbiotic Creamer , has grown exponentially.
However, it is natural to wonder: Is this product suitable for me? Or does this product have contraindications or side effects ? In this article we will tell you everything you need to know before trying it.
Common Side Effects of Microbiotic Creamer
To understand the effect that Microbiotic Creamer has on our body, we must first understand the ingredients it is made of:
This ingredient gets its name from its resemblance to a lion's mane, but it is a fungus that contributes to the maintenance of intestinal mucous membranes where 80% of the immune system is found.
They are live and beneficial bacteria. Our probiotic Bacillus coagulans is heat-resistant, making it ideal for mixing into coffee. It is key to promoting a more balanced and diverse microbiota.
Inulin is the most clinically studied prebiotic fiber. It acts as food for your beneficial bacteria and contributes to the normal transit of feces in our intestine . Therefore, it is a fundamental ingredient of our Microbiotic.
This prebiotic is perfectly healthy and contributes to a balanced microbiota.
However, in those people who have intestinal dysbiosis , this type of fiber can cause gas and bloating. If this occurs, your gut may be out of balance and needs to be treated.
How do you know if this is your case?
The prebiotic fiber inulin is found naturally in foods such as asparagus, leeks, garlic, onions... If these types of foods make you feel sick, Microbiotic probably makes you feel sick too.
However, sometimes it is a matter of "lack of time". If you are not used to consuming this type of fiber and suddenly you introduce it into your body, you may have symptoms such as gas or bloating. But they are temporary and should only last a few days . Then, it will regulate itself and you will begin to notice little by little all its benefits.
In this case, we recommend starting with half a scoop a day (instead of a full scoop). And after 1 or 2 weeks, move on to the full scoop.
Is it good to take Microbiotic Creamer long term?
As we mentioned at the beginning, this product is formulated with all the key ingredients to maintain a healthy intestinal environment. Therefore , there are no contraindications to taking it continuously and it is not necessary to stop taking it.
In fact, it is after three months that enough time has passed to start enjoying all its benefits. This is a breakdown of the improvements that you will notice over time:
Many people notice improvement from the first few days. As fiber consumption increases, it is normal for you go to the bathroom better and more often . In addition, the rest of the ingredients will begin to do their job, so be consistent and take it daily.
After 30 days of consumption, our patented Lactospore® probiotic has been shown to reduce bloating in 63.9% of people and gas in 66.7%.
After 3 months, more than half of people report a significant reduction in abdominal discomfort and bloating. Most consumers will have left constipation behind. But don't forget that the microbiota is alive, and if you stop taking Microbiotic you'll be back to square one. So... keep going!
We recommend continuing with Microbiotic Creamer as an additional and beneficial source of prebiotic fibre and probiotics to further improve and care for intestinal health and microbiota. There are no contraindications to continuing after 3 months, and it will not create dependency.
Tips to reduce the side effects of Microbiotic Creamer
If you are considering incorporating this product into your routine, follow these tips to minimize initial discomfort:
Introduce Microbiotic Creamer gradually, starting with half the scoop for 1-2 weeks and then moving to the full scoop.
Drink enough water throughout the day. Fiber is very good for improving intestinal transit, but it needs enough water to be transported through the intestinal tract.
Who should avoid Microbiotic Creamer?
- If you have an allergy or intolerance to any food and you do not know if it is present in the product, contact us and we will help you to resolve your doubts.
- As we mentioned at the beginning, if you do not tolerate foods with prebiotic fibers such as garlic, asparagus, leek, artichokes, onions... it is likely that this product is not for you.
We do not live in an ideal world, and there are many factors (pollution, stress, alcohol, etc.) that unbalance the microbiota and intestinal health, which is why it is good Strengthen your intestinal health with Microbiotic Creamer . Try it!
Remember that the product has a 30-day guarantee. You can buy it and if it is not for you, we will give you your money back!