by Baia Food on Oct 15, 2020

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There are basically three views on dietary supplementation.

There are those who think that we should not take any supplements since a healthy and complete diet should provide us with all the nutrients we need.

On the other hand, there are those who think that supplementation is capable of solving most problems.

And finally, there are those of us who think that to improve our health and increase our longevity we need both things, nutrient-rich foods and supplements that help us avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies that we may have for various reasons, and to optimize our health.

This becomes especially important if we talk about the immune system. Even if we eat a healthy and varied diet, the modern lifestyle and stress (which we all suffer to a greater or lesser extent) pose a challenge to our immune system.

The good news is that science knows more and more about what we can do to help our immune system stay strong and fit.


1) The modern food production process has reduced its quality. Modern agriculture and intensive livestock farming have meant that foods no longer have as many vitamins and minerals as they once did. However, they have the same number of calories.

We are therefore taking foods that "do not nourish as much as before." We need to eat more than our grandparents to get the same amount of nutrients. The soils are increasingly impoverished and plants produce fruits and leaves with fewer vitamins and minerals.

The animals are fed with feed and grain instead of grass, and this makes their meat deficient in some vitamins.

2) The RDA (recommended daily allowance) is not the ideal amount. It is only the amount necessary to avoid having any deficiency disease in the short term. To optimize health and reach your maximum potential, combat stress and the current pace of life, the amounts needed are significantly higher than the RDA.

3) Some micronutrients are even more beneficial if taken in larger quantities. This is the case of vitamin C. We are one of the few animals that do not have the ability to produce it ourselves and it is a vitamin that plays a crucial role in the functioning of the immune system.

We lost the ability to synthesize it in an environment where it was not a problem, since ancestral fruits and vegetables had a much higher amount than current species. It was not a disadvantage, at least thousands of years ago. Today it is known that under conditions of stress, mammals and humans consume part of their vitamin C reserves. But animals have an advantage over humans, they compensate for the losses by producing vitamin C again in their organisms. We do not.

It has been proven that a goat under stress is capable of producing up to 15,000 mg of vitamin C. And do they really recommend that we take 75 mg per day?

We, and most up-to-date doctors and nutritionists, don't see any sense in it. And science proves us right.


Vitamin C is essential for the production of white blood cells and for the release of interferons, which are substances produced to protect against the attack of viruses.

Regular administration of vitamin C has a moderate but consistent effect in reducing the duration of common cold symptoms, based on 31 study comparisons with 9,745 common cold episodes. In five trials with 598 participants exposed to short periods of extreme physical stress (including marathon runners and skiers), vitamin C halved the risk of the common cold ( study ). In a randomized controlled study, just 200 mg/day of vitamin C given to the elderly resulted in an improvement in respiratory symptoms in the most severely ill hospitalized patients. And there were 80% fewer deaths in the vitamin C group.

Consuming more vitamin C is especially important for diabetic people since the absorption of this vitamin is reduced when blood glucose levels are high. Breastfeeding women should also consume more vitamin C, according to the National Institute of Health.

But what other things are interesting to help our immune system? Red fruits, particularly blueberries and raspberries, are high in polyphenols that help the immune system work more efficiently to protect the body against viral infections ( study ).

Supplementing with inulin is also beneficial . It is a non-digestible vegetable fiber that reaches the colon. It is fermented in the large intestine by bacterial microflora and generates lactic acid and short chain fatty acids. It stimulates the growth of good bacteria (which are essential for maintaining a strong immune system) and reduces harmful ones ( study , study ). In addition, short-chain fatty acids increase the absorption of magnesium and calcium ( study ).

Another recommended ingredient is ginger . It has more than 400 compounds with various properties and is a natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial that helps fight respiratory diseases.

Maintaining regularity in the consumption of these nutrients and foods can be difficult with the current pace of life and this means that the positive effects of regular consumption are not achieved. That's why we present to you the new NATURAL IMMUNITY from Baïa Food.


Our Natural Immunity provides you with nature's 3 in 1: vitamin C, antioxidants and friba for your microbiota.

We have put together the following ingredients: Vegetable fiber*, freeze-dried raspberry powder*, acerola extract powder*, freeze-dried blueberry powder*, camu camu powder*, natural flavor and ginger powder*.

We use vitamin C from fruits (acerola and camu camu extract) and not isolated ascorbic acid since it is more effective to consume vitamins from the food they come from than in their isolated form, as there are other factors and nutrients that give the vitamins their properties. beneficial, and that are lost in the isolation process.

The antioxidants in raspberries and blueberries will help you fight free radicals and viral infections (also with the effect of ginger) and the fiber will feed the beneficial bacteria in the intestine to have a healthier microbiota.

You can enjoy a shot every morning to boost your immune system with a delicious red fruit flavor.

If you have any questions, just leave them below.