It is very important to know how to distinguish when you eat with physiological hunger or when you eat with emotional hunger . Differentiating these two concepts is essential to change our way of relating to food.
The first is when you feel a physical need in your stomach and you stop eating when you are full compared to the second when you continue eating even when you are already full , sometimes even feeling guilty and ashamed of what you have eaten.
This feeling of guilt makes us enter a negative loop, leading us to lose weight or restrictive diets to compensate for the binge we have indulged in, leading us to an unhealthy relationship with food.
Normally, when this happens to us, we choose foods rich in carbohydrates or processed products with high levels of sugar since it has been shown that eating sugar reduces the stress hormone called cortisol, and this gives us pleasure to mitigate that stress for a few seconds. stress, but unfortunately it does not disappear, quite the opposite since it comes back again and again.
In short, many times we use food as a drug to escape from problems, cover up emotions or reward ourselves and all of this comes down to satisfying that inner emptiness that we have.