estrés y aumento de peso

How stress can make you gain weight

by Baia Food on Oct 07, 2024

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Stress is a natural response of the body to difficult situations. However, when stress becomes chronic, it can trigger a number of health problems, including weight gain. Cortisol , a hormone released in response to stress, plays a crucial role in this process. When cortisol remains elevated for prolonged periods, it can increase appetite and promote the accumulation of abdominal fat, making you more likely to gain weight. This makes evolutionary sense: when our body is on alert, cortisol makes sure there is enough glucose in the blood to supply our muscles and organs with energy to deal with danger. But if this happens chronically, it prevents us from burning fat.

This cycle of stress and weight gain can become a vicious cycle. As a person gains weight due to stress, they may feel more worried and anxious, which in turn, can lead to more stress and more weight gain. Understanding how it affects your body is the first step to stop gaining weight from stress .

Tips to avoid gaining weight due to stress

Although stress is inevitable, there are ways to manage it to prevent it from negatively impacting our weight:

  1. Eat enough at each meal : Eating a very low-calorie breakfast can make you feel very hungry for the rest of the morning. Hunger is not bad, but it is a stressor. This can cause you to choose low-nutrition or ultra-processed foods at the next meal, since your body detects that they are “high in calories” and very palatable.
  2. Opt for nutritious foods : Prioritize a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains – i.e. real foods. These foods not only nourish you, but also help you maintain stable energy levels, which is crucial for managing stress.
  3. Get enough sleep : Lack of sleep can increase cortisol and make you feel hungrier during the day. Make sure you get at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night to keep your hormones in balance.
  4. Consider natural supplements : Products like Fit Blend baïa food are designed to help you stay fuller between meals to avoid snacking and help you achieve your goals.
Stress is a normal part of life, but managing it properly can prevent it from negatively affecting your health. By following these tips from Baïa Food , you can stop gaining weight due to stress and maintain a healthy weight in the long term.