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Don't be alarmed, the main cause of a bloated belly is poor digestion, not excess fat. Therefore, with these small changes you will improve your digestive system and your belly will look flatter. If you are consistent, you will notice the effects in a matter of a couple of weeks. It's not about dieting, but about eating “clean”.
1-Add all the fiber you can
Constipation is the worst enemy to achieving a flat stomach. Start your day with a good dose of fiber, whether with fresh fruit, natural rolled oats, ORGANIC GOJI berries or ORGANIC CHIA seeds. It is important to take soluble and non-soluble fiber since they work in synergy to cleanse our colon.
2-Don't go overboard with the salt
Sodium makes us retain liquids, swelling our belly. Do not add salt to your meals, choose to season your dishes with lemon juice and spices.
3-Include potassium in your diet
Foods like ORGANIC ACAI , bananas, chard or avocados are very rich in this mineral. Potassium helps us eliminate excess fluid in the body and improves hypertension.
4-Avoid sugar but also sweeteners
Sugar is a bloating trigger, and sweeteners are not fully digested, so gut bacteria ferment, causing gas and bloating. Read the labels carefully and avoid anything that contains added sugars and sweeteners (sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol and maltitol). Of course, also avoid all soft drinks, processed foods and industrial sweets, as they unbalance our intestinal flora.
5-Always stay hydrated
When we have a good level of hydration, the fiber you ingest through food “inflates” and cleans our intestinal walls, preventing constipation. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of still water a day, preferably outside of meals. Try infusions, fruit and vegetables rich in water (watermelon, melon, celery, pear, for example).
6-Avoid raw vegetables at night
There is no doubt that they are very healthy, but at night our digestive system is less active, and raw fruits and vegetables can distend the stomach by creating a lot of volume. Try eating vegetables in soups, boiled or baked for dinner.
7-Do not consume bread
The industrial production of bread has led us to increase the needs for wheat, which is mainly produced in a transgenic or hybrid way. Wheat is not the wheat of yesteryear, just as the bread production process is not what it was in bakeries, and more and more chemical additives are used to achieve the texture, flavor and appearance of traditional bread. A healthy alternative would be rye bread.
8-Do high intensity exercise
It is not a question of doing a thousand sit-ups but of taking care of your diet, and doing cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times a week (preferably the bike or elliptical so as not to damage the joints). The sessions do not have to be endless, but rather that you perform high-intensity exercises with very short rest intervals. And if one day you don't go to the gym, try to walk everywhere.