by Baia Food on Feb 11, 2017
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If you are pregnant, this is your post. You are probably lost with too much information about what you should or should not eat, what to do to avoid nausea, to not gain too much weight, etc. Here are a series of key nutrition tips to ensure your health and that of your baby.
Green, I love you green
Vegetables are the most abundant source of nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants and essential minerals, so including them daily in your diet is essential during pregnancy. Spinach, kale, chard, watercress, arugula, broccoli, etc. are very beneficial for their contribution of magnesium, calcium, vitamin K, C, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and most importantly, folate (vitamin B9 or folic acid in its synthetic form and more difficult to absorb).
Folate prevents neural tube defects in newborns, helps in cell function and tissue growth, so if you are or want to get pregnant, make sure you eat enough folate-rich foods every day.
Spirulina is another excellent source of folate in a form that is highly absorbable by the body, as are avocados, legumes and egg yolks.
Key to forming essential tissues such as skin, muscles, bone matter and marrow. Due to the essential role of this macronutrient in cell development, it is very important to eat protein-rich foods during pregnancy. But not all proteins are created equal. Don't overindulge in red meat and dairy products, and try to balance it with more alkaline sources, rich in fiber and minerals such as hemp seeds (also very rich in calcium), legumes, nuts and spirulina.
Don't be afraid of gaining weight by eating good fats. They are essential for the growth of the baby's brain, development, cell regeneration and for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K). Fish rich in Omega 3 such as salmon (preferably wild), sardines and anchovies, as well as chia and hemp seeds, ORGANIC ACAI (rich in essential fatty acids), walnuts, almonds, avocado, and cold-pressed virgin oils (coconut, olive) should be part of your diet.
Slow-absorbing carbohydrates
After digestion, carbohydrates are converted into sugars, which “cross” the placenta, providing the baby with energy. The key is to avoid refined carbohydrates and focus on whole grains, to ensure a slow and prolonged release of glucose into the blood. This prevents the risk of changes in blood sugar levels in both the mother and the baby.
Oats, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc., in addition to being an excellent source of carbohydrates, provide fiber, which, together with good hydration, will prevent the frequent constipation during pregnancy.
Your body is “building a human” for 9 months and needs you to provide the best for it. For your postpartum recovery, as well as the breastfeeding period, the eating habits you have had during pregnancy are very important. Remember, don’t count calories but nutrients. The nutritional density of a handful of dried fruit or goji berries will always beat a bag of chips or a commercial pastry. Forget about “empty” calories and take care of yourself and your baby.
Alicia Lamothe
Health Coach